
About Us


Dave Morris is a master bricklayer with over 30 years experience in the building & construction industry.  Like many people Dave had a vision of creating his own environmentally-friendly sustainable country home. 

Dave began reading books and researching sustainable building materials and soon discovered the world of straw bale building.  Before long he found that reading was not enough so he attended workshops to learn straw bale construction from the professionals.  Dave then worked with the builders to gain valuable practical experience in building straw bale homes.

With so much new knowledge and practical experience in straw bale building Dave couldn’t wait to begin construction of his own straw bale sustainable home.

Dave bought a spray render pump and the results on his own home were amazing.  Dave always loves the challenge of creating something special and unique.  So in his own home he combined straw bale construction with a variety of different building materials including large rustic timber poles; beautiful limestone blocks; a small area of rendered brickwork and even some pigment colors in the final straw bale render for a spectacular effect. 

After finishing his own house Dave was hooked and he knew that he just had to keep building with straw.  He has since built many outstanding straw bale homes in the Perth hills and areas of country Western Australia.  Dave also runs regular training workshops so he can teach everyone the techniques of expert straw bale building.

In his spare time Dave enjoys spending time in his home workshop making unique and special furniture pieces and other items from recycled timber and steel.  Dave also loves relaxing outdoors.